
...All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain....

- soliloquy from Blade Runner

Bits and bytes do get lost, awash in the rain of data flow that is Internet. They slip away from us, never to found again... some of them will be captured here, many more will not... like tears in rain...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

HTML 5 and browsers

 To check how's your browser support HTML5, go to:


My Firefox 16 on Windows 7 scored 372 and 10 bonus points of 500... now I am curious what's that... let's look... here it is:

>The test also awards bonus points for supporting audio and video codecs and supporting SVG or MathML embedding in a plain HTML document. These test do not count towards the total score because HTML5 does not specify any required audio or video codec. Also SVG and MathML are not required by HTML5, the specification only specifies rules for how such content should be embedded inside a plain HTML file.

IE 9 on Windows 7 scored 138 and 5 bonus points, OUCH!

Chrome 22 on Windows 7 - 434 and 13 bonus points.

Safari 5 - 273 and 2 bonus points.

Opera 12 - 374 and 9 bonus points...

Security features are missing in Firefox completely ...:(

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