
...All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain....

- soliloquy from Blade Runner

Bits and bytes do get lost, awash in the rain of data flow that is Internet. They slip away from us, never to found again... some of them will be captured here, many more will not... like tears in rain...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


  One of the best TV shows I have seen in the long time is "Sherlock", BBC production. It's brilliant, witty and gripping - modern Sherlock Holmes/John Watson in 21st century London. Sherlock texting and Watson having a blog :) Life can't get better than that ;)

  Seriously, great series, and I can't wait to get next season - both actors took a break to film Hobbit in 2012, so I have to wait for at least another year :( Netflix has first season (3 episodes) and other 3 (second season) were aired on TV.

 I've stumbled upon this article this morning:


 and it was good to read that, since Sherlock does not deserve being called sociopath even by himself :)

 I do remember when reading "IT", Stephen King's masterpiece, he was portraying Patrick Hockstatter, and it was scary and terrible portrait. This boy fits in all those 4 categories easily and that chapter scared daylight out of me at the time. It just goes to say how very good Stephen King is at painting his characters - no cardboard characters for him, even for a fairly insignificant boy who shows up only in one or two places. I think "IT" is King's best book, those seven kids felt like an old friends to me after reading the book.

 It also reminded me a bit of Ray Bradbury when protagonists were flashbacking to their childhood and getting nostalgic for a different time; it felt so real, and at the same time so weird to hear things like how much you could buy for a dollar ;( or how rock and roll was forbidden...

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